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Old 05-21-2009, 10:57 AM   #4
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Actually its amazing that cars like the 3er are allowed to be built with the eco-loons around.

Guys get used to it, the eco-loons and global warming nutjobs are going to have plastics outlawed and anything else they deem to have a harsh carbon footprint during its lifecycle, knocking us 100 years backwars - if we dont take our world back soon we are in for a world of hurt.

Already they are after powering equipment down, which means no TiVo, wake on LAN, POE devices, no sleep-mode and no new tech.

They seem to forget all the "innovations" require energy.

If only w could have paused the world in 2007/2008 - great cars, great tech, great fuek prices - the true "Golden Era" hehe
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