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Old 10-08-2008, 07:15 PM   #13
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In the interest of equal rumor mongering here is the latest post from a different Chevy dealer.

"Well, that's interesting because it's the exact opposite of the information I have.

Obviously, the production was shut down this week because the factory was closed. The information I have is that not only will they building ZR1s when the factory opens next week, but they plan on doubling their production for that one week so they can make up for loss numbers during this weeks shutdown.

Not seeing a TPW is completely normal. They did the same thing to the Z06s when they came out. The cars are assigned a TPW and then suddenly its gone from the status report. They do this so as not to get people mad or nervous if there's a delay during the early production.

I'm not saying that my info is accurate or that someone else's isn't, I'm just pointing out what I know. In this case, I hope I'm right!

Dave Salvatore
Corvette Specialist/Manager
Kerbeck Corvette - Proud to be #1 since 1994!
Showroom - 877-537-2325
email - [email protected]"

RC will know who Kerbeck Corvette is, but many of our international members may only remember "Corvette Vicki" needless to say, they are heavy hitters.

But at the moment untill things settle down, my opinion is that this economy will hurt limited production performance cars a great deal. The companys that build cars will not have the extra money to spend on developing these cars and may be concerned there will be no one to buy them.

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