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Old 10-08-2008, 12:48 PM   #7
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I went to Corvette Forum and found this post late in discussions on the end of the ZR1

"I spoke to a person in Bowling Green today who was in a meeting that stated all "ZR1 production is on hold indefinitely". They told me that "this is not what you want to hear but is true". They also told me that this will "hurt them as much as it does us (the dealership)". I have received valuable information from my friend over the years and they have never lead me astray.

All I know is, something is up. We (EVS) submitted a ZR1 order three weeks ago (we had an available allocation) and have submitted many coupe/Z06 orders since. Everything has a TPW (target production week) except for the ZR1. I have a friend at another Chevy store who ordered a ZR1 the week before mine. Their car was given a TPW weeks ago and today, it was taken away. Today, I have heard of other dealers who have had this happen, lose the TPW. I am sure we will have an official response soon.

Greg Sanders
EVS Chevrolet "

There has not been a lot of talk about what has been going on out in the economic world on this forum recently, however, it is some of the wierdest shite I certainly have ever seen in my life.

Putin is keeping Iceland from bankrupsy, can you say little Cuba. (smart chess move by the way on Putins part, he seems to be good at that)

AIG, Fanny Mae, WaMu, etc. everyday it is something new. Bush is throwing money as fast as he can at everything like he is a liberal big D Democrat and nothing is slowing it down.

GM's stock hit like 9 yesterday (recent high of 40), they have a big exposure to the credit markets from their GMAC credit arm which they wisely sold a while back, but they unwisely are still on the hook for some of the losses.

Typical of GM thinking would be to stop the ZR1 to save money.

With only 250 of the cars produced this may be one of the great future collectibles.
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