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Old 09-19-2008, 06:29 PM   #35
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The moment short selling rules changed, did you notice the flood of people trying to cover their assess today? Full disclosure of short selling and BAM stocks up 15% in a matter of half an hour.
Mutual funds already are required to have full disclosure of their short positions. Your confusing them with hedge funds.

Also, it is not as if the Federal Reserve is buying AIG.
Go read more on the deal.. In addition to the loan the federal reserve acquired an 80 percent stake in AIG as part of the terms


You can take it like a man or delay the inevitable? That's the kind of bullshit that drove the market down 450 points yesterday. You should work for CNBC. It may be coming, but don't you think we should try and minimize the effects?
Your showing you have little understanding of economics. Read some Friedman for crying out loud. Interfereing with the economy is a losing porposition. ITs going to go where it wants to go. Even more then that, by giving moeny you havent fixed the issues that caused AIG to crash. Which means more then likely.. Theyll crash again!

^Well, saying 'let the market work it out' also relies on the business sector to fix itself. No real difference. The Federal Reserve was created to fix things up. Perhaps it's a good idea to let them do their job.
Wrong again.. No where in the federal reserves mission statement is to revive the economy. Their one.. and only.. appointed task is to guard against inflation. Thats all. The fact that they've forgot that has mostly caused the scale of this mess. Let the market work it out, means just that. Put in better regulations around the loop wholes.. And wait.
Common Sense- so rare it's a super power.
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