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Old 09-07-2008, 08:04 PM   #29
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If you gain an advantage or cause disadvnatge though non-legal methods, you must be penalised to the extent of the advantage gained. The is true in all sports. In soccer, if you are dispossessed through an illegal tackle, you get an indirect free kick. Play continues as if the offence did not occur. It is the same principle in tort law. If you are hurt when a car runs you over, you get damages to compensate you for medical costs and loss of wages. Nothing more nothing less.

Hamilton gained an advantage by cutting the chicane and in the ensuing situation, disadvantaging Raikonnen. Tough call, but not incorrect. The standard penalty of 25 seconds was imposed, the same penalty, I might add, given to Timo Glock after he overtook Mark Webber under yellow flags.

It is hard to prove that FIA favours Ferrari. There is no precedential analysis to confirm that in the recent past, the same FIA stewards panel have let illegal racing moves go unpunished. Stewards have nothing to gain from favouring one team. They just call it as they see it.
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