Thread: Nissan GTR News
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Old 05-15-2008, 05:27 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by graywolf624 View Post
First its acceleration out of the turn will be less then the other cars mentioned given its woeful acceleration from 40+.
Wrong. Acceleration out of the corner isn't the same as straightline acceleration. The car is turning and accelerating at the same time. Basicly, slow and medium speed corner exit GTR is faster than anything. Cornering + acceleration = GTR’s virtue (i would explain but tired of typing much). And if you're familar with circuit racing you should be aware that generally corner exit is much more important than corner entry...

Originally Posted by graywolf624 View Post
Second we go back to the few admitedly sparse tests we have.. Look at the telemetry data and compare it to the telemetry data for the other cars. If we've eliminated corner exit it has to be sustainable cornering or initial turnin speed thats driving the advantage.. So then why are the slalom and lateral g forces not off the charts. They should be if its steady state where the cars making it up. Its certainly not making it up with turn in (where the weight distribution is too foobared). So that only leaves steady state and initial bite. Again it all comes back too the times not being believable with the data given. Could it be faster yes.. Could it have the times its showing.. Well something doesnt jive.
Anyway if you really care so much about why/where GTR is faster as your posts suggest, there’re several BM videos available, take your time and watch them. No need to read about the GTR, no need to discuss the GTR, no need to doubt the GTR, you can see the GTR with your own eyes! Here, i’ve even posted you the links!

Can it get better than this?
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