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Old 12-30-2007, 04:35 PM   #200
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Originally Posted by SnakeBitten View Post
And then RC goes and tells on me causing Nth to come and scold me...LMAO
I didnt need to report anything - mods read the posts.

Originally Posted by SnakeBitten View Post
Dont care for trivial fights..Ive got nothing to prove...If Im wrong about something i dotn mind being told so..But if you going to get at me condesendingly Im going to attempt to ignore you now...If you push me Ill respond in kind as Im sure RC knows from our last few battles...
You're just pissed because your "opinion" might be flawed - you haven't changed since your first posts on JW - you state something then argue about it till the cars run dry - even when you are mistaken I simply provided you with some facts you may have overlooked - like say the real target audience of each car or the realpower delivery or each car etc

I am not interested in "changing your opinion" - but if you make a "statement of fact" don't expect it to go unchallanged either

Originally Posted by SnakeBitten View Post
Teh ACR was Dodges responce to the ZR1 as SRT stated on Viperforums...It doesnt matter if GM or whoever thinks the ACR is aimed at....
Then the folks at SRT are as dumb if not dumber than the folks at ViperForums for being sucked into the farce.

Why would Dodge spend all the effort and money and time to "counter a car" that it will never meet in competition?

The ACR - American Club Racer - is a "street legal" competition ready car - the ZR1 is a "street legal" street car. Nothing more.

If Dodge wanted to tale on the ZR1 as the ZR1, then they would have put a blower on the V10 and made 720bhp stock.

Originally Posted by SnakeBitten View Post
They are different no one disputes that but they are both still streetcars with potentially similar performance numbers so they will be compared even if there is a caveat in the article about class etc..Really dont know why that is so hard to digest..
So - according to your logic then, an article that compares the Ferraroi Enzo to the Posche GT2 is a legitimate one - even with a caveat?

If Porsche never produced the CGT, then there would still be no grounds for the comparison.

BTW - how will the ACR and ZR1 be similar in performance? Sure they both go faster than 8mph and stop in less than 1000ft - but thats about it.

They ar enot going to have similar 1/4 mile times, or similar 0-100 times of even similar 0-200mph times.. or similar top speeds or even similar handling characterisitics.

They will only have similar prices - and even that is debatable.

The only ones who will be 'comparing" the ACR and the ZR1 will be pre-pubescent fan-boys, the motor journos who write articles for them - and Viper lovers

Originally Posted by HeilSvenska View Post
And you're trying to argue with RC. You should know by now that it's pointless. Not that he's just unstoppable, you should also know that he's often right.
The scariest thing is though, its in the few exchanges where I have been right that people get the most defensive and "offended" - the many times I was wrong and had just been taking the antagonistic "devil's advocate view (by request I might add)" people rolled over and walked...

So that has to be worth something at least

Last edited by RC45; 12-30-2007 at 06:23 PM.
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