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Old 01-28-2004, 02:43 PM   #1
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Default This is what we need to do in the UK!

British newspaper report:

Four youths from Canberra, Australia pulled off a trick of
breathtaking bravado in order to gain revenge on a mobile
speed camera van operating in the area. Three of the group approached
the van and distracted the operator's attention by asking a series of
questions about how the equipment worked and how many cars the
operator could catch in a day. Meanwhile, the fourth musketeer sneaked
to the front of the van and unscrewed its numberplate.

After bidding the van operator goodbye, the friends returned home, fixed
the number plate to their car and drove through the camera's radar at
high speed- 17 times. As a result, the automated billing system issued 17
speeding tickets to itself.

Go Aussies!!
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