Thread: 28 Weeks later
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Old 05-17-2007, 07:00 PM   #1
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Default 28 Weeks later

I saw it last night. It was good. Very much like 28 days later except with a bigger budget. The first scene is truly frightening, some of the gore was pretty unwatchable for me. Very scary zombies.

Like the first movie alot of the fun is seeing London empty, but this time even more so. They show places like, I beleive Wembly stadium with 24 inch high grass growing on the playing field.

The plot now is a year in the future from the first movie, and the few survivors are being taken care of by the US Army in downtown London. British are returning from overseas to repopulate the city. Everyone else in England is dead. The virus is gone since most everyone is dead and naturally that does not last long.

I would say a must for anyone who is familar with London, otherwise you could wait for cable.
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