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Old 04-09-2007, 05:47 PM   #24
Regular User
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: not where i want to be.. but life's a bitch i guess..
Posts: 3,262

I'll find out what area it is.. so that you guys can help me even more (tell me if its a good area, or should I look for another, and commute more I'm not looking for anything fancy... but I don't wanna get mugged either ) and that we'll see if a little get together or something is possible (in about a month I'll be alcohol free for 6 months, and I could sure a beer )

@BACR - at least you have such a thing as a student load.. here there nothing like it.. and you have to pay CASH each year, which is way many people here work before, or mainly during school.. (full time..)

Things worth having don't come easy..
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