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Old 01-19-2007, 03:02 AM   #13
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: India
Posts: 43

Thanks guys for the +'ves.

Yeah well happy with it. Will drive it now so she don't get out of shape again, unless i fall into a pot hole. Only other thing i'm gonna have to do is make sure i stay in shape with zero fat especially arround the pecs area. Reason well the roads right infront of my place are, how can i say rippled and cos the suspension is stiff, well ya chest gets a work out cos it is jumping and skipping, good job thats only like for a 100m then the national Highway!

Stoopie yeah the rear diffuser is carbon fibre, atleast that has ground clearance so no worries.

ae86_16v: 110k mmm sounds like that should be well run in now!!!!! But the great thing about them is that they keep on going. mine is 92K miles of which 91567 was done back in England the rest well barely 440 miles here......

The wheels are 18's with Yoko S1Z's 225/ 40 upfront and 255/35 at the back. The wheel arch lips were rolled out so no probs. Yeah cant drive it everywhere but i live just 5 mins from the main highway and that is a flat road so no worries i can stretch the legs there!!

gis mate it was well rough just seeing it get more shabby. anyhow all in the past, virtually as good as new but a few more things to tidy up.

Arman yeah i get the pointed fingers and smiles...... when they see the splitter but so far so good.... and no i wont post pics if i rip the front end off..... i'lll just lie

Thamar i'm in Kerala. The capital Trivandrum. so if need any help or advice just ask ok. Hope she has a good time, its a nice place to visit......

sameerrao yeah but luckily the speed bumps arround town are'nt that big and i can get over them. BUt i cant drive it everywhere usually have to plan a route, but like i said the highway is just 5 mins away and that road is perfect it was only laid like 5 months ago......

i'll put up pics of the car on the road road......
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