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Old 01-14-2007, 03:43 AM   #21
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Houston
Posts: 812

I like Porsches and Corvettes. I currently own and drive both. I intend to some day have both a Z06 and a GT3RS. I cheer for both at Le Mans and here in Houston. They are as different now, as they were in the 1960's. One is fibreglass the other steel one front engined the other rear. One made in the US the other in Germany. Brute force vs finesse its always been that way, I hope it never changes.

The Veyron is still too new for me. It doesn't race yet.

From the Concorso Italiano in Monterey 2006

It competes to me with the F1 and the Enzo, its really way beyond my league, if I had to pick between the three, it would be the F1.
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