Thread: New Veyron Test
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Old 12-26-2006, 07:06 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by tforth
I wonder why they dont race with leaf springs in every racing catagory as it seems thats the best suspension for the smooth track surface and the best for bumby b-roads.....

The supercar manufactors should really go to america and look at how it should be made IMO...
Yes, why is it that GM has been going to all that expense and trouble of testing at that mickey mouse track called Nuernburg something or other, when all of the best chassis development roads exist right in their own backyard?

I guess I misunderstood back roads as meaning off-highway. Clearly, the definition must be dirt/gravel paths, where they use the speed limit signs as target practice for their shot guns...
I never once mentined anything about leaf springs in my comment.

You people keep coming back to the same shit argument - not I.

The point is that on anything except smooth ribbons of pavement 180mph speeds are semi-controlled chaos.

The Nurburgrng is not laped at 180mph, but rather at the very speeds the quoted article speaks of - 125mph to 170mph.. the simple reality is that 180mph+ speeds on anythign except relatively smooth and nonundulating semi-winding roads is a deadly combination - for any god-damned car.

Again - witness the smashed Enzo.

I have to ask both of you, have you EVER tried to blast rhough B-Road countryside at 160mph or faster?

Have you ever been on non-race track surfaces at very high speed to see how quickly things can get undone?

This is the reality - and even the Nurburgring bears witness to this - note the very untidy accidents that happen when the speed of the section of road is exceeded.

Now there is no way in hell that the Veyron would be able to be better than the lighter CGT/Enzo et al through certain sections at an even higher speed... and until such time as I see an Enzo or CGT succesfully go through sections of B-Road at 180mph that otherwise cannot be passed at even 150mph, then I wont even bother with paying attention to all this fan-boy crap about the Veyron.

Even if in the end a Veyron lapped the Nurburgring faster than a CGT I stil wouldnt care, because unlike a Radical that has a lower top speed than the CGT but higher cornering speed and there for deserves attention and respect, the Veyron would have to rely on 245mph straight speeds to cut off the 15 seconds lost as it wallowed like an over wieght pig throuhg the bends at a lower speed than the CGT.

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