Thread: New Veyron Test
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Old 12-25-2006, 01:25 AM   #25
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If it has 1000hp and only goes as quick as a 600hp car, then it stands to reason that the computers are shutting down the power to 600hp levels to maintain grip..
From the definitive evo comparison, when they are comparing the Veyron against the CGT, Harry's modified Zonda S and the Enzo on backroads. Issue 096, Pg. 99

"The Bugatti copes well with the lumps and bumps of these minor roads, too, feeling relaxed and controlled, the ESP traction control activating only once when I request full power over some bumps." - i.e. your assumption is incorrect.

No where there does it say it is BETTER than the rest - it simply says IT is better than expected - and that statement about "getting power down better than less powerful cars" is proof positive that people don't get how PS2 the car is.
I think it was you who had stated in the past that the Veyron wouldn't handle. I am simply providing evidence, from what most true enthusiasts would consider a credible source. Here's some more comments to counter your argument from the same article:

evo 096, Pg. 100, when comparing it to the Enzo:

"In some respects the Enzo is like the Carrera - super-sharp front end, high roll stiffness and appreciable structural integrity - but its punchier engine should make it more effective here. However, half a mile in, it's clear that the Ferrari and I have got our work cut out, and not just because the Veyron is shockingly fast when the road uncoils. It's also incredibly quick into the turns and fires out of them like it's on slicks."

In case you haven't received the message here, the Veyron ate an Enzo, CGT and modified Zonda S for lunch in the twisties (read: no long straights)

so in effect the 1000hp is just an advertising gimmick and is only ever need if you want to go above 215mph perhaps,... a speed perhaps 2 Beyron owners will ever see
from car's Veyron review by Georg Kacher, issue 529, Pg. 46:

"Ordinary supercars excel in the 125 to 185 mph speed range. Special supercars like the Bugatti demotivate the rest of the four-wheeled world between 185 and 250 mph. Silly velocity? impossible in today's traffic? Wrong, and wrong again. You're forgetting the Veyron's phenomenal stoping ability. With a combined deceleration force of 2.0g - that's 1.4g pulled by the car plus 0.6g added by the air brake - you can squash kinetic energy at a mind blowing rate."

"No, I didn't venture into the final 20mph (i.e. 230-250mph) zone on public roads. But I can report that 230mph in this supercoup on steroids feels about as wild and daring as 150mph does in a regular sports car."

If big 'ol fat Georg Kacher was doing 230mph in a Veyron, so would a decent bunch of those Veyron owners who will actually drive their car.

Care to go further? This is merely the 'tip of the iceberg' in terms of supporting evidence. I am attempting to be objective. Are you?
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