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Old 12-13-2006, 05:46 PM   #55
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Ontario, Canada
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Originally Posted by nthfinity
You have obviously never been to Detroit.

first off, the car with the suprior balance (not overall grip) is going to always be faster around a track. If you think otherwise, you are stupid; and have no experience in a sportscar. you are just kidding yourself.

after doing some research, TO is less then i thought. I did, however find the stat I was looking for; however, it wasn't comparing mugging/theft/robbery etc.

and Mihai, nearly every post of yours the last few days are worthy of the "wall of ignorance" you suggested. You have absolutely no understanding of physics, the physics of cars, economics, capitlolism, socialism, life.

Why was this prick un-banned anyway?

You have no understanding of the English language. WTF is capitolism? You just can't get it through your thick head that a car's handling is about how much fun you can have with the car. It's when the back starts to slide and you can keep that drift going without the car spinning. That's what handling is all about. It's about creating understeer and oversteer on demand, not going through a corner at 100 mph. It's what British sports cars are all about. Watch Top Gear more often and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

It's sad none of the Canadians on this board want to support their country.
I never said Canada is perfect. I just said it's a better place to live in than the United States. Economists seem to agree with me on this point.
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