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Old 12-13-2006, 04:37 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by ARMAN
Originally Posted by BADMIHAI
It's better than me paying less tax and having that lazy motherfucker who now can't eat stab me for my wallet, yes. Plus, just because I pay a lot of tax doesn't mean I can't still enjoy the fruits of my work.
Imagine you have a business - a small company. You have lets say 10 people who are good at what they do but one of them do shit, is lazy, comes late, have production that have no value cause he's work is done badly. The answer - will you keep him in your company or you will kick his ass out and dont give a shit about him paying his mortgage and bills and stuff? If you leave him in - you destroy your company cause the other 10 wokers will not like that forsure nether will you. Goverment is the same but in a bigger scale.

Dont know how much you get involved in the working process yet MIHAI, people will not work on the max if they got simply ripped off of the money they have made with they own hard work, you just cannot be motivated if you know you are ripped thats where "ahh I give a shit why would I do more?" attitude is born. And thats no way a attitude that will make a company or country financially healthy.

Last time I checked, it was slightly healthier than Czech Republic. I don't agree with communism, but I see the benefits of having some socialism. In the end, let the statistics talk. Canada is ranked higher than the U.S. on the human development index. Norway is ranked #1 and they're so socialist they should replace that cross on their flag with a red star.
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