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Old 12-05-2006, 05:37 AM   #32
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your posts prove you are as incompetant
Really, well what I`ve said here

in 2 reply`s was the same with Mr. graywolf`s reply in this topic, so graywolf 624 is incompetent too ?

I say ban him.

All in favor say "yay" all opposing say "yay"
That`s because `ive corrected your replies a few times in the past and somehow you didn`t like that.

Rammius he asked a simple question what the fucks ur problem
He read the thread about the Black Enzo crash and he insulted me directly by saying that i`am talking out of my ass, about Enzo`s chassis design, that brakes in 2 in case of accident.
If i remember correctly, and I do I was the only one to sustain that it was designed to brake apart apart in order to protect.
My insult was a result of his action, but then nth felt that it was necesarry to insult me, don`t know the reason.
Maybe he didn`t read the thread about the Enzo crash, maybe he didn`t make the connection about the first reply in this topic and whom it was adressed to. don`t know and it doesnt matter.
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