Thread: Gears of War
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Old 11-12-2006, 02:10 AM   #4
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Well, I beat it. The game isn't too long really.

After it's all said and done, the gameplay really does kickass. I haven't tried multiplayer as I don't have live and none of my friends have any interest in games. But from what I read, it's pretty good.
The story line is a real let down IMO. There are a lot of plot holes. A lot of things just are not expalained. Play the game and you'll see.

I won't be surprised if Gears of War 2 takes place before the first, story wise anyway.

The end boss was too easy to beat, seriously, a few well placed shots and a couple grenades, thats all it takes.

Also, I've never ever had a problem with my 360, not once. I've read all the horror stories, people paying $130 to fix it and whatnot. And it's always worried me. Well, after beating the game, I got a dirty disc error as I watched the credits. All I can say is that if it breaks, I'll have it fixed. But it'll be my last console from Microsoft. These things are to expensive to have problems like that. My original Xbox died on me, as did my PS2, $600 paperweights. Ridiculous I tells ya.
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