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Old 10-01-2006, 10:55 AM   #45
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Interesting Quote From Button:

"It was a really weird race because in the first few laps we were very strong, staying with (Giancarlo) Fisichella and Kimi (Raikkonen) and then after eight laps the tyres destroyed themselves," he said.

"It's really unusual and so different to what I have experienced before with these tyres. So I had to pit early, I pitted in lap 14, which is nine or 10 laps before we are supposed to pit. It was so early.

"I pitted, came out and again it was the same problem. The tyres had destroyed themselves again very, very quickly and I was five seconds off the pace and I really didn't know what was going on. We were back to 10th position.

"But as soon as the track started drying out and the tyres were pretty much slick, we were pretty quick. We were quicker than (Fernando) Alonso at that point when the circuit was dry.,00.html
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