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Old 08-25-2006, 06:54 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by mrmojo77
Originally Posted by 666fast
Originally Posted by TeflonTron
Originally Posted by philip
Darn, I wont be buying one of those anytime soon. I guess the ammo is $20.00 a bullet too.
Nah, you can get 150 Rounds for about $250.

When I was checking out the gun at the gun shop I asked about ammo, the cheap stuff was about $7 a round! heh
Do you ever charge the ammo by yourself? I'm not sure if it is the prices or just a habit but at least many hunters here recharge the ammo by themselves. You just have to pick up the shells after shooting.
I've never done it, but my uncle does. Once you get past the initial investment, it does save you quite a bit of money. The machine things you use to do it are kind of expensive.

@ 666 - those Wilson rifles look pretty nice. I think my first purchase would def be a hand gun just cause its a little easier to take shooting. I just like rifles for their power and their design, im a design freak that will buy anything, useful or useless, as long as it looks nice LOL
Thats exactly why I'm looking at a handgun, it's just easier to deal with. I can name 5 different places within 10 minutes of me where I can go shoot one.

I got my permit today, so now all I have to do is decide on a gun. I definately want a 1911 style gun, but I'm not sure on caliber. There are too many options! LOL .38 .40 .45 9mm 10mm
Ammo price will probably make the decision for me. After dumping $500+ on a gun, I don't want to have to spend $100 on ammo everytime I want to shoot it!
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