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Old 08-21-2006, 04:54 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by TeflonTron
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by TeflonTron
The point is, anyone taking pictures of two dead people and then splashing them about the internet is a ghoul. It has nothing to do with the fact that the car is a Lamborghini, and everything to do with the fact that there is no need for it. Yes, this is more ghoulish than pictures of dead Lebanese babies, as at least those pictures are in context, and that context is related to the war in that area, whereas these are just the kind of pictures that websites such as ConsumptionJunction, Ogrish and the rest feed on, like the bottom-feeder parasites that they are.
Hhhmmm - this is a car acdident.

They happen every day - the images are aweful and eye opening - but they are reality and you don't have to look if you choose not to... but they are in conetxt.

Life is in context.

Maybe having spent a year as a firefighter when I was 18 years old, hardened me to this sight - one never get "used" to seeing charred bodies... but you come to accept tem as part of being a fragile human being in a rought harsh world.
You have children, right? How would you feel if they were killed and their mutilated bodies were photographed and splashed across the internet?
Uhm - that's life bub.

Suck it up.

If some one were in an accident, then the family would already know, and the truth is that their (or mine or yours) mutilated bodies would be seen by the EMS workers or anyone on the scene... so what exactly is the difference?

Whether seen by 1, 2, 2000 or 20 million people - it does nto change the event or the outcome.

And how hypocritical can people get - there are burned babies on TV everynight..

I honestly wonder how the western world actually keeps functioning with so many politcally-correct peace-nick do-gooder liberal everyone-wangchung-tonight yahoos everywhere.

Way to ignore the question.
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