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Old 08-20-2006, 03:02 PM   #1
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Default 2 more Palahniuk books

having finished Haunted while up in Seattle for a job interview, i bought 3 more books for the trip back here. I've finished 2 of them

First, Stranger than Fiction. A collection of true accounts. Ranging from the Testicle Festival in Missoula, Montana; To his father's murder at the hands of a white supremecist; To Marilyn Manson reading his own Tarot Cards in his attic. More of a journalistic account than anything. And oddly enough, just as intriguing as his fictional works.

You get to follow the Wrestling trials for the Olyimpic team; The building of 3 castles in the US, by 3 different men, who have no clue who the other is or that they've even built another castle.

There's a Combine Demolition Derby in Lind, Washington.

You get some insight as to what makes Palahniuk tick as you read his 7 personal accounts, his life during the pre-production phases of Fight Club.

Some of the stories leave you wondering if it really is true. Maybe it's from reading fictionup until this but i constanstly had to remind myself that these events really happened.

Fight Club

The 1996 inspiration for the 1999 David Fincher cult masterpiece that starred Edward Norton and Brad Pitt. If you've seen the movie, then you've practically read the book.

Except for a few details, and one or 2 added scenes, plus a different ending, the movie echoes the book almost perfectly.

For those of you who have no idea what the hell Fight Club is..It's the voice of a generation of god's forgotten middle children.

It tails the narrator, a nameless employee of the Compliance and Liability department of a major car manufacturer. Flying around all over the country investigating the cause of failure that triggered a fatal crash and then applying the formula: A (number of vehicles on the road) X B (probable rate of failure) X C (cost of average out of court settlement) = X
If X is less than the cost of a recall, they don't do one.

He begins to tire of his life, his possessions, his job. And thanks to his insomnia...meets Tyler Durden.

He moves into a run down house in an industrial part of town where at night, they are alone for 2 miles in any given direction, after his condo explodes, sending everything he once owned flaming 15 stories to the ground.

From there, it goes downhill.

I really can't say a whole lot more without ruining the ending for the few who haven't seen the movie.

all i can say is, it's worth the $13.95

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