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Old 07-19-2006, 09:31 AM   #13
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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JC is a victim of his own success.

He nurtured this persona that ia now expected (or so he thinks) - his column, appearances and TV shows are all riddled with the same hyberbole and farce - people don't care what he is saying or doing, as long as he is saying or doing it in a certain way.

This is probably the script from the closing scene of the last episode of TG

[jezza voice over on]

Over the years we have seen the British public television car show grow from a frumpy Wednesday evening "hows the latest Austin Marina compare to the Renault Vomit" with conservatively dressed presenters trying all the while to be like prime time Arthur Skargills... the mid 90's frantic peak filled with hooliganism and thrashings of mayhem with screeching tyres, obnoxious excess and out rageous heaps of automotive ecstacy... what it sadly has become today - Yes, it is true, the British public television car show has sort of morphed into "The Jeremy Clarkson Show" with some cars rather than "That car show with Jeremy Clarkson".

While we attempt to maintain our "pack of wild english mastiffs on the hunt" persona, the truth is beginning to hit the streets that we are just a mob of mildy funny beagles whose useful time on the farm as rat catchers has just about run out.

In fact, were it not for the hordes of environmentalists outside, whom all travelled here by bus and had tofu sandwiches for lunch, the BBC would have canned the lot of years ago - but we are apparently the only means of raising pressing environmental public issues to such a level that the news programs now refer to them as "the issues brought to light by that Clarkson bloke"

[jezza voice over off]

Its about as oddball and weird as anything hes said before
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