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Old 07-16-2006, 11:19 AM   #33
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here's this bit of opinion.

Schumacher came onto the scene, and was stupid fast with Benneton.

Back in the day, telemetry was basically knowing the stop watch, and sector times... you could see he was fast, but not where he was fast.

modern telemetry lets you see the speed everywhere, the throttle/brake position, steering lock, stability control etc. All this was in its infancy when Schui started.

He wins for Beneton, and they have all this info, and low and behold Flavio knows what to search for in a new driver... and even how to train a new driver to match the telemetry results that schui had.

Its said that drivers are nearly equal... they are fast into the corner, and fast out. Where Michael stood out was mid-corner speed, and that is where he made up so much time over the others.

low and behold, Alonso is very fast... much faster then his teammate most of the time...
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