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Old 07-05-2006, 05:21 PM   #49
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And about the memory managment.

I was making a site on a mac once. It was flash based, and fuck was it a pain in the ass to multitask. I had 3 programs running, photoshop, dreamweaver and flash pro.

I had crashes all the time, all memory related because it had a hard time allocating memory each program.

And sometimes when I needed to run a fourth program it would just tell me "cant open not enough memory" or something along those lines.

Sorry but that just doesnt cut it. Any PC even win95 will run as much programs as you open, it will smoke and cough and barely manage not to crash but it will do what I tell it to.

And when I need to open something else to edit an image then import to flash then dreamweaver, and I must go back and close a program or two, resave all my projects so I can open another program and use it for a 1 min job then fuck it.

No it wasnt a top of the line mac.

But sorry, if I need a 4 grand top of the line mac to do some not so very complicated website work then why the hell would I want a mac?

What I ended up doing was ditching all that and moving to a win2000 PC of some mediocre spec and getting more work done more quickly.
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