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Old 01-08-2004, 05:50 PM   #20
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Join Date: Oct 2003
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Well a couple of comments..
"civic is the most underated SUPERCAR in the WORLD

if tune rite can be a beast on the straight and on the track

yeah, sure whatever.. supercar.. thats like saying my iroc is a supercar.. Even if you dump a million dollars into it. It is still a civic. Not to mention the civic is by no means cheap to make a fast car. I guarentee this guy spent quite a bit. A fast car can be made with any platform. I've seen a 9000 dollar pinto run 9s.. Does that make it a super car?

Is it rice?

Well I find the front lights and front clip tacky as hell. The car is also not going to be fast around corners. And personally I think the red engine hoses are stupid. (no offense meant, I am just being honest). That being said if the car has 500 hp it isn't rice. It may have torque steer out its ass (who knows..) and it certainly wouldn't keep up with a 500 hp rwd car. That being said it's different and fast. There doesnt appear to be many anti performance parts on the car(aka stock brakes with big wheels, huge rear wing, ect) so it isn't rice. To each his own. I'd never build anything up in that market for fear of being associated with ricers, but I respect you for the car you've built.
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