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Old 05-17-2006, 09:37 PM   #1
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Default Must have Xbox 360 games

Finally got my taxes back (Yea, I waited awhile before filing, I'm lazy, leave me alone) I've decided to spend a small bit of it on myself, some will be plunked down for the next few months of my carpayment (YAY!), the rest goes into savings. I found a whole pile of 360's at the local Evil Empire (wallworld) and decided to get one. Unfortunately, the bank was closed and I didn't want to put it on my credit card and didn't have the checkbook on me, so I'll pick it up tomorrow.

I just want to know what games to get, I've been looking at reader reviews on game sites and it's giving me a headache. Th1s G4m3 roxz d00dz!

I'll be geting PGR3 most definately. I've also been looking at Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, looks neato. I'll probably be picking up 2-3 games. So help me choose and stuff.

BTW, how well does Forza run on the 360? Anyone try? My original Xbox was inoperable when it came out, so I was only able to play a small amount of it at a friends house. But, if it runs like crap on the 360 (sounds like some Xbox 1 games do), I won't buy it. Since it's been out for awhile, I can get it used dirt cheap.
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