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Old 05-14-2006, 12:15 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by DeMoN
Originally Posted by nthfinity
there are license stipulations that a car cannot be shown broken... so anything more then what PGR has is unlikely IMO
can you expand more on that? I never heard or read anything about this. So basically, you cant show a smashed up car why?
I think because of the various companies view on the PR of having smashed up cars... have it look good all the time.

with true racing games, (including nascar games) they show tons of damage, but they dont buy the licence from Ford/GM/Toyota/DXC specifically... but rather the licence is obtained from NASCAR, and the various teams... and since you are getting the "decals" in the game, there is also more advertising suddenly

why do they have good crashes? because crashes are part of racing... part of the specticle... with production cars, crashes really aren't part of the mystique.

that said, i'd much rather have bits of glass flying around, a hood flying off... tires bursting, a wheel passing by etc. after a crash... it would encurage people to do better hot laps... and such.
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