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Old 05-03-2006, 07:01 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by DeMoN
It must have been less than 10 times where I reffered to you RC so if you want to leave then so be it. Please just dont blame me. Everso is correct when he says you have zero tolerance for others if they dont agree with you. Not only me, but many ppl post stuf and you reply to them disdain.

I even remember the 1st time when you used your "charisma" on me. The day I posted how Infiniti dealership was going to do the cablework to hook up my Valentine.

Besides, I never called you ignorant as you did towards me when I asked about the 6th gear on the Corvette. You always act up like if you were a friggin dictator. Well, booo hoo, I'm so sad Castro... now you are the little cry baby.
Yes you are to blame.

Again - arseholes like you (and you have proven again you are an arsehole) are why the original core membership is shrinking. You still don't get it - and never will. Then again, we know how and why you are in the USA anyway... aren't you like 2 notches above a border jumper anyway?

BTW, this is what you posted - a blatant uncalled for trashing of thread that had NOTHING to do with a car test even - it was a video for people who enjoy the car - period.

Originally Posted by DeMoN
I have another video. Its a BestMOtoring one

Ferrari 360, GT-R, Porsche 911, EVO, Corvette (guess who comes out last)
Not only was your post out of context, it was topically incorrect and non-sensicle.

Sad to see pricks like you destroy the community Jabba put together on his own dime.

If I had the interest, I would go research, but I am almost certain you were a huge contributor to Dan leaving as well.

Enough said right there.

How sad Jabba, TT's and Dans efforts come to be unravelled by unappreciative jerks - you just don't get it.

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