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Old 04-20-2006, 12:44 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by coloradosilver
This discussion is kinda weird.

I think it can be conceided by most that the new Z06 is by no means the best car ever made. It's not the fastest, it won't post the quickest time ever around a track, it's not the most well built or prettiest, and it is quite basic in it's mechanics and amenities.

However, for what it is, what it's capable of, and the price that it costs, it is very difficult to pin another car against it that can do so much for so little. THe cars that are similar in performance cost double the price at minimum and even then the differences (in performance) mainly come down to the driver, not the car.

For what the new Z06 is, what its capable of, and what it costs to own, this is one of the best cars ever created in my book.

Lets also not forget that if a Z06 owner wanted to put about 8,000 USD into performance mods, this car would be in CGT performance territory and still cost considerably less than the nearest competator.
>can't believe this is coming off my keyboard<

yet despite the simple mechanical amenities, the Z06 will more than hold it's own against any competitor. This has been proven in ALMS where the Corvette teams have been trouncing their "competition".

yet despite these amenities, the Z06 has still managed to out sell anything in it's price range.

It's the best HP per buck, and HP per weight.

And if you really want to get into the mods category, give me 5K and i'll make you an engine that will have Formula 1 spec slicks cowering in fear

my carbon footprint is bigger than yours
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