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Old 04-19-2006, 10:17 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by RAMMIUS
Man Rc you`re so predictable

You`re like a fanboy , when you`re precious vette loses , excuses , excuses , excuses :

Lame driver + shitty weather+press car so, worn out :roflmao:

Advice : face the facts

Well then RC has to slow the red pill and admit that every other car faces teh same issue

Lame driver +shitty ewather +press car +worn out

Ya'll are beyound funny.

Ya'll fucking hillarious.

Because in order to exploit a cars full potential you need to spend a ton of time with it and spend a ton of time preping it.

Each car has it own strengths and weaknesses.

Just as a random fact:

When I practice for my GTL league races I spend my times from the first practice to qualifying drop by 5 seconds on average.

Sometimes I spent 3 hours with the car 3 seconds off pace. Guess what? Its not because the car is slow, its because I was slightly off braking for the esses and I took a wrong approach into turn 3. But then I discovered the faster line and hey I broke the world record for Magny Course in the Alfa GTA

Each car due to its weaknesses will use a slightly different racing line in order to use what the chassis offers to the best extent.

So when these magazine reviews come in with lap times I simply dont care for what they have to say.

Because the times they set are fully driver dependent, not car. Its what car the driver feels better in, rather then what car has the potential to be the fastest at a given track.

In order to get a true max performance figure you would need to spend a whole day at the track, litteraly, minimum of 6 hours of lapping the same track, and watching others do the same, trying to find the best line, put the power down right and get the braking points right.

Any cars that weight around the same, ride on similar rubber and share rougly the same power will be neck to neck and that is the bottom line. It will be more of a "which car for which track" than anything else.

So its a car that you like that suits you, that is affordible to you that matters.

911, F430, Z06, Gallardo are all in the same boat, in the same field, and all should when driven to their maximum lap with no more then a maximum of 1 second separating the grid.

There are way to many factors that go into a top lap around a track. From the direction of the wind, to the track temperature, to the state of your rubber, to the shit in the air, to the time of the day, and more then 80% is all driver.

You put a decent driver in an F430 and a great driver in the 360 and the guy in the 360 will kick the decent drivers ass each time.

I dont care if its Micheal Schumaher driving cars for Evo. I dont care who it is. Because no mater what calibre of a driver you are, you need to spend a lot, a lot of time with any car in order to drive it on its mechanical limit, not the limit of the drivers skills.
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