Thread: Ferrari Enzo
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Old 03-04-2006, 09:34 PM   #33
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Porto - Portugal
Posts: 57

Uncool for me. Why? Simple. What kind of people drive this car? Cool people? or a bunch of very but realy very rich person that i bet they can't drive. Those people have this car because of the status and not for passion. On the other hand ... thos who buy a F40 ... that is another thing. Those who buy a F40 doesn't care about the luxury because the F40 doesn't have any. They buy it because it is a sport car that was made with the simple objective to the driver have a big smile on their faces when they press to the metal and hear the sound of the engine and forget that their car doesn't even have radio or carpets You probably wath top gear and saw the owner of the enzo that they show. Please! Do you really want to like him? I don't mind to have his money but to be like him?!!!! Bahhhh! And for what he wants the car? I bet that Jeremy was 3 times faster thant the owner ever was! And with the money that that car cost i can buy a lot of cars and go for a track and destroy some tyres and get a big smile on my face The best things in life are simple. A nice car, a good women, some money on the pocket and good health are the best things that a man can have.
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