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Old 02-21-2006, 02:21 PM   #11
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Too bad for the car, but i'm glad the driver was alright - i would probably not bother to ring up my insurance company, as your premium is very likely to go through the roof!

Originally Posted by stradale
Ouch! The ending wasn't as bad as I feared when I saw the pics though. The back of the car and engine are ripped clean off. A Porsche CGT with more or less the same damage in the Netherlands recently killed one or both occupants (can't remember exactly). Shame about the car!

EDIT: I found it. Perhaps it has been posted before. Link
The woman who drove it, drove it for a test drive someone offered her. She was severely injured. The passenger only suffered minor injuries.
I reckon this is a feature built into all of the mid-engined CF-tub cars - ensuring the passenger cell remains intact whilst ditching the (potentially explosive) engine/fuel area :bah:
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