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Old 08-27-2005, 01:51 PM   #30
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no RC actually im just wondering cos 3.6 is a really fast time, but since the F430 did the same i was probably wrong in thinking it was almost impossible for hte Z06 to reach it...but still i in no way meant to jab at the US or US cars, and no i hardly ever read american car mags, whats wrong with asking a question about them? i said "isnt there a chance", not "im sure". i htink it was a valid question. dont be so suspicious of everything, its not my goal in life to say as many bad things about the US as possible, although you seem convinced otherwise. even a bigger shock to you: there are actually things i like about the US, and id like to go there some time, and not to find more things to complain i said dont be suspicious of everything, we're not in a big anti-US conspiracy (well im not anyway)
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