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Old 08-09-2005, 12:59 AM   #10
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Spoken like true fan-boys that haven't seen their "hero's" in action in real life

There you have it on film how in a real sitation (not magazine racing) how things go down when the pedal hits the metal, yet STILL we have denial...

The numbers don't always tell it how it is on the road.

But I think this video just proves that magazine numbers as close as these cars are means who ever gets the jump has the race.

Obviously certain cars, like the Diablo have the legs to catch up and pass any of the participants there.

The runs are also impromptu ones, where folks will hesitate amybe be slow to shift, only run up and shift 500rpm before redline etc.

So - as far as being a definitive "this car beats that car - always" - of course that's not the case - what it shows is that any of those cars are capabale of delivering super-car performance with on mash of the right foot

In other words they are awesome fucking fun to play with.
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