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Old 07-25-2005, 10:26 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by detsan
Sounds like a great event to be involved in; hope that things run smoothly and safely.
If you want to take photos near Uluru then it is highly likely that you will need a permit as your activities may be considered commercial.
It is considered disrespectful to the traditional owners to climb Uluru and costs $25 to get into the park.
It is about 450km from the alice, but thats not far at 300Km/h !
There will be lots of tourists around at this time of the year as it is much cooler than the summertime.
Motor have some of the best auto photographers in Australia (Cristian Brunelli and Thomas Wielecki) so be sure to have a chat if you get a chance!
Have fun mate and I look forward to the photos! 8)
Thanks for the info.

I will see what happens about taking photos near Uluru, if need be I'll get a damn permit - as I definately need some pics there.

I don't think we'll average 300kmh for the trip to Uluru, but I would imagine we can dispatch those 450kmh in just over 2 hrs....

The photos in MOTOR always impress me, so I'll definatley have a chat with whoever turns up.
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