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Old 07-19-2005, 07:04 PM   #11
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Default Re: Did Ford do what they wanted to with the GT?

Originally Posted by Toronto
They wanted to beat the 360/cs
well did they?

re-sale value of the ferrari is higher....
MPG is higher.... you can drive around in in low revs, but you can't turn the blower off on the ford
User friendlyness of the ferrari is better (available in auto, cargo space, those doors are bad for people with bad backs)
Did Ford take away any ferrari sales? now they are going to say they didn't build the GT to knock heads with Ferrari watch
Styling? well it is a big jump for the ford, but it is a toss up IMO the 360 is one of my least fav. ferrari to look at, but it is still amazing. mayb if it was a 60's ford gt40, but not the GT
On the Track? anyone have any GT ring times?

all in a the GT is a good car.. but still is missing alot
I don't think Ford should be happy about reaching their goals... cause I don't think they did
but I still want one, but I want a 430 more
resale value? i personally dont know but im sure you are right.

MPG? the blower doesnt hurt your MPG unless your in boost i dont think. and i think you took the top gear episode to seriously. the GT has the same if not better gas milage due to its tall gearing.

the doors suck? your probably right but who cares they look cool and its not like you have to climb in through the window.

ferrari sales? again your probably right but yet again im not too concerned with putting ferrari out of business.

cargo space? i guess you got it beat there too congrats.

user friendlyness? i guess since cars with a manual are so hard to drive. if you are deciding between these 2 cars and it comes down to......"well i have to shift the GT all the time, too much hassle" then by all means take the ferrari.

styling? completely subjective, i think both cars look great and its hard to call a winner there as ppl have different tastes.

so you have a winner based on resale, MPG, cargo room, and the "user friendlyness" of not having to drive a manual gearbox. bask in your infinite glory because i dont care.
What good is Gas Mileage without Horsepower? That's why I bought a Saturn.
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