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Old 07-12-2005, 02:01 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by irrational_i
Well it would basically point to a sustained racing issue. Fridays and Saturdays they do not run such long stints.

Also the weather played a role here. It was much warmer on Sunday.
I think the Ferrari aerodynamics are not that great. Its not helping the tyres. The Mclarens are very good because the aero package works well with the tyres.
The Mclarens are easy on the tyres and thus are much more stable all the time.

Of course I am not saying Bridgestone is blameless, but as they all say - it's not really a single thing that's wrong. Its the whole package.
So you think if Ferrari grafted a pair of wings to the intake tower and made it look like a docked Imperial Shuttle Ferrari would again dominate I could just see that discussion at the wind tunnel

Brawn- "Seriously, if we brought in George Lucas to redesign our intake tower, we might just comeback!"

Todt -"Ross, have you been holding Star Wars marathons again?"

Brawn- "No"

Todt-"Shut up and eat your banana"

Originally Posted by szumszer
well they can't possibly blame schumacher ... so let's blame the tyres ... or better yet, michelin
I think blaming the tires will only go so far. But i think the aero does have something to do with it.

They obviously stuck themselves behind the 8 ball this year on the aero front, but the tires i believe was 75% Bridgestone's fault and 25% Ferrari for not running enough tests to nail down a decent compound.

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