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Old 06-15-2005, 05:51 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by TT
Originally Posted by |Nuno|
Originally Posted by dani_d_mas
Ok... I see the point but IMO, if they wanted to produce a model from zero... they have already done the Maser MCC, which is more or less the same than this Enzo FXX.

I think they have been really smart in Maranello... Developing a car like this is a really expensive thing nowadays with lots of electronics, the wind tunnel, science fiction compounds... so let's sell 20 prototypes for 1'5 millions each... and then we'll have enough money to develop the next F60...

These "client test drivers" is just bullshit. Bertolini, Badoer, Gene, Schumacher, Rubens... they will offer real fedback to the engineers, way better than the possible information than a rich 50 year-old businessman can offer IMO.
Yep, you got it.

One thing though... This car wasn't developed from scratch. Far from it. It's just a conversion really... But I don't think it's just for money. It will be a good way to make research for the next Supercar without spending money - in fact, they'll make money. Smart move if you ask me.

Of course that, as you said it, the buyers won't have anything to do with the feedback provided by the FXX, that's just to make them feel "bigger", but it's nevertheless a good way to try new ideas. Free R&D, I'd call it.

All this aside, I love the damn thing. It's just brutal...

Can't wait for a video!
Actually when I said "from scratch", I wanted to say they didn't take some roadgoing Enzos and modify them in some FFX. Of course they start with the same base, but at a certain point of the production line, the Enzo takes left, the FFX right
I was actually talking to dani, but I understand what you're saying (and you're correct).

I was just pointing out that, exacly. They're not "all new", but not "old" as well.
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