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Old 06-10-2005, 04:09 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by Just_me
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by Just_me
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by Just_me
Originally Posted by brembo
Originally Posted by Just_me
It wouldnt be covered by some fugly design anymore....
bla bla old news coming for you. I think we all get it.
No you don't - it's an ugly car - the whole family is ugly
It seems like some of you think you are going to change people minds about M5. You dont like the style, thats okey but dont expect everybody else to agree with you. Its just waste of time but I guess its a good way for you to raise your posts...

And yes 5-serie sell more cars than it ever done before. So RC keep on trying to convince people that 5-serie is ugly, unfortunaly for you, you wont succeed. :fist:
Your point?

At the end of the day the car still remains ugly... :roll:
in your eyes yes but why say it in 9/10 threads, use your brain please.
When will you boys realize that beaty is in the eye of the beholder..
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