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Old 11-25-2003, 02:03 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by justin syder
i dont like that TT gets to be little someone for not posting "thanks", he was just anticipating the dvd rip, if there is one.

if this gets me banned then so be it, i hope it will be seen though. there is a double standard on this site, admin feel that they can criticise, belittle and offend members for ridiculously minor things and on top of that any opinion toward them or criticism is seen as too offensive and "ban worthy". fuck that, let ppl be who they are on here, not everyone is polite, not everyone says thank you or is grateful, not everyone will get along with each other but let people say what they want to say. rude, offensive, ungrateful, this is a great forum but above all it is a place to share opinions, good AND bad.

I can see where you're coming from, but I have to agree with TT on this one. This was not the appropriate place to ask about a DVD rip--it is for discussing the 5th Gear vids that were posted. He should have started a new thread, or better yet, just waited, since there is no guarantee that the movie is coming anyway. (Anyway, who cares if we know it's "coming soon"--it's still not available for download so you're really no further ahead than if you knew the exact date and time of release.) Patience is a virtue.

As for double standards, I have to say that I think that Jabba/TT demonstrate amazingly thick skins for some of the stuff that's started going on around here, especially from some newer members who seem more interested in leeching the next vid then actually becoming a part of the forum. Also, I don't think that JW necessarily must be an everyman's forum--plenty of things in life expect a certain kind of behaviour. In the end, everything from here is a gift, so expecting it to come in exactly the package you want could be considered presumptuous. Anyway, this is just my opinion and you have yours--exactly what you said this forum is all about . Just something to consider...

Edit: Almost forgot! ops: Looks to be awesome vids. Haven't got a chance to watch them yet as I've been working on a term project all night. Hopefully I'll get my impressions up in the appropriate places tomorrow. Cheers
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