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Old 05-09-2005, 01:57 PM   #36
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Posts: 618

RC45: For all of the comments, back and forth between you and I, I'd like you to know that I'm not trying to bust your balls, just pointing out what I perceive to be truths.

You believe the Z06 to be the match of a Diablo SV in the real world, I disagree: such is life, and no harm done. I still disagree that the Z06, with a good driver, will match the SV with an equal driver, but that's my opinion: your opinion is different.

Oh, what is the 0-150 of a stock Z06, by the way?

Lastly, I'm piqued as to your opinions on Allan. After our polite banter back and forth, would you do me a small favour? Drop me a PM outlining why you subscribe to the belief that Allan is, shall I say, full of shit?

Be cool, be safe.
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