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Old 04-30-2005, 01:19 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by DeMoN
Originally Posted by brembo
Great story guys, as said earlier in this thread I can feel the exeitment in your post, I know how the feeling.......

Good to hear the guy was a good guy concerned for his cars, but cool enough to stop and talk to a couple of car lovers....great guy....

Originally Posted by DeMoN
One quick question, sorry its kinda off topic, but when I do a speed start and have my tires screech on my G35, I never leave trails on the floor, anyone know why?

The reason is you are not spining the tires fast enough so you dont develop enough rotation and heat to leave rubber behind, also some tires needs more abuse to leave behind marks, soft tires leaves more than hard tires......
If I make my tires spin more, Ill end up in the redline RPM levels... My theory is that I need to have tires warm before they leave a mark. So I guess this theory is correct? I mean, I make it spin a lot, but only 1 time every so often... so if I try doing it 3 times in a row, it might?
Actually, I think you'll need colder tyres in order to burn out better, because cold tyres have less grip. Just look at F1 tyres... they stick like glue when they're warm, which means its harder to do a burnout.

Just my €0.02
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