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Old 04-19-2005, 09:36 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by e46drew
i've been a technician from 1996, working on sport bikes, cruisers, personal watter craft ( jet skies) snowmobiles and A.T.V.s. Not as well paying as cars, but I think more fun.
My comment was because , and of corse your new at the game and still excited, but it all blends in, and really its all the same. there is a piston a crank, some cams some other whatnot and sensors wires and a few modules. Some preform better then others and some are cheep junk. I mostly enjoy the thrill of driving, or riding exciting things. Its the technical blah thats not fun any more.
Sure things are getting lighter and faster( according to a friend in the plastics industry) there is testing of plastic engine components soon to be mass produced, i.e. throttle bodies, valve covers, intake manifolds and the such to come, sure its all neat stuff, but i just want to take it to the limit, and let the event speak for it self.
Kinda like a test drive i took in a vett last week, the salesman went through about a half hour of neat new features about the car, then i went for a drive and then could feal some excitement, but the going on about electric this and gizmo that, its just boring now. I just want seat of the pants thrill. 8)
I see what you're getting at now. Even some of the older guys at work though are amazed by some of this stuff. The power ratings are climbing, along with the fuel mileage and engine displacements aren't climbing all that much either.

The things that are amazing me, is more the engine elecronics. the VANOS and Valvetronic systems are amazing. And now with the E90, we could see the beginning of complete O2 control over fuel injector on times and the phasing out of the mass air flow meters. Europe is already seeing the wide band lambda sensors taking the place of convetional O2s.

The typical engine is boring to me, yes. But it's the advancement of the technology that is amazing me. Just wait for my post on the M5 engine electronics

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