Thread: GTR Review
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Old 04-03-2005, 06:52 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by mindgam3
Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by mindgam3
A simulator is the kind of thing the US government spends millions on to train their astraunauts and pilots, where by they get trained on it and then immediately can fly the actual fighters/choppers etc.... not something you can run on your PC
If you for a second think that military (and civilian for that matter) simulators need super computers to run them, you are sorely mistaken.

While the PC with available software may not be up to scratch, the hardware is quite capable - many times over.

It is the SOFTWARE that wins the day - NOT the hardware.

The damn things cost millions because they have to recoupe the R&D (contractor winners charge the military what ever they can get away with - not market related fees ) - and don't go on to sel 1,000,000 copies on eBay..
I didnt mention software or hardware, i just said "simulators"
which is why your whole argument was wrong.
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