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Old 03-27-2005, 03:47 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by graywolf624
These numbers that you're quoting are from some magazine or from some professional test that was done under closed conditions with probably the same driver testing each car.

In the REAL WORLD these two cars are very closely matched. More often than not, the end result in the battle between these two cars was decided by the driver's ability, not the car's.

I've been racing my Corvette for a while now and have constantly been up against varoius Cobras on the 1/4. Even though I know I have them in weight and horsepower, it's still a pretty close race if the other driver is better than I am.

There are so many variables that go into it also. If one car has more tread on the tires, traction control systems, road or track conditions.

On any day with different contributing factors one car could have an edge over the other making the difference that would have nothing to do with power or closed course 1/4 mile numbers.

You can't just base your analysis on numbers that you read somewhere graywolf, the real world is always a little different.
Actually that doesnt make me wrong. The drivers ability doesnt effect on which car is close.
I could put your average person in a zo6 in me in a 80s caddilac and probably still keep up with them around a race track. Care to argue the caddilac is even close?

The only way to fairly compare cars is to take the same person with the same amount of experience in both cars, and have him test them both under the same conditions. Your ability versus someone who is a better driver doesnt make the difference in the car itself. Neither does the tire wear or conditions, cause that still means that all you have to do is buy a new set of tires and run at the same time on the same person and the other persons toast. Not to mention you could argue the same thing for any car.. Including a ferrari. I guess a ferrari is close to a camaro cause Im sure theres some footballer out there running one with bald tires that I could beat in a race in a camaro. Would it suprise you if I said I saw a 700 hp car run a 14 sec cause he screwed up? Does that mean I compare that car to the 14 sec car I use to own.. Hells no.

We are talking about the car and the car only. Not the driver and not different variables involved in running condition.
The fact of the matter is, in terms of performance, the zo6 whipes the floor with the cobra. The cobra has the one benefit that its a little more useable as a daily driver. But thats not why you buy a vette. Its not a direct or indirect competitor. Nor can it hope to compare with out ford removing it from its core market, the v6 20000 dollar car. You cant build a car for the 20000 dollar price point and expect it to also be the best at 45.. doesnt work like that.
Thats the problem Graywolf, you're just talking about the car, and the numbers.

Its the whole concept of "it looks good on paper". Reality tells a different story.

You need to facter in the real world elements to have a REAL comparison. Once you do that, the cars are extremely similar in performance.
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