Thread: B-Spec testing
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Old 03-17-2005, 11:43 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by tuffguy
Originally Posted by RC45
How else does one explain that while my B-Spec guy can just about drive a Chaperal for one lap without crashing on any track on setting 3 or 4 --- yet he can pilot an F1, an M3, an SLR and an EVO modified to the max to super-track records on every track he goes on without so much as an error when on setting 5.
Those are better balanced, modern cars to begin with. Have you tried driving a Chaperal?
Yes I have, and am vastly better at driving the Chaperal than the AI driver, all the AI has to do is slow down sooner - something it apparently can't do, and I didn't mentiion how badly the AI drives a slew of other "modern" cars.

The point I am making is that the AI is better in certain cars on certain tracks - and alwasy the same predictable failures and successes in the same cars. And the list of well-behaving car-AI pairs is not a true indication of the vehicle capabilities - but rather an indication of which car-AI pairs were actually finished.
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