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Old 01-26-2005, 01:24 PM   #9
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Actually i believe the official name for the Enzo is the F60 (clarkson for sure kept referring to it as such... somebody correct me if i'm worng??
u r wrong...official name: Ferrari Enzo Ferrari
project name: Ferrari FX
name given by press before real name was known: F60
reason why JC kept callin it F60: he can be a f00l when it comes to cars (really he can: he also said the F40 was the only car to do 0-60 in 3.2 secs, but thats the McLaren F1s time, the F40 does 3.9 or 3.8 (im not sure). And he said the F40 was the lightest of the cars they tested in that episode, which also wasnt true: F40: 1200 kg's, F1: 1140 kg's

dunno why but in that 1 episode JC got all of his facts mixed up
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