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Old 12-18-2004, 12:49 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Ronin005
Originally Posted by ZfrkS62
Ronin, how can you think that 2,000+ people will be able to stack up that way for 3 days? What is it going to take to show you that it would be fucking impossible!!
At some point the lines are going to get out of order, the list, which has been honored for nearly 20 years, was a form of saving that order.
Camping out in line to get tickets for a popular event may not be a tradition in Portugal, but it's become widely accepted and even expected here in the states. I don't know when it started but i've known about it my entire life. And i know that anyone who was there before me, is ahead of me, no matter what form the line is taking.

if you think she deserved those tickets, then i think you need to get a screwdriver and tighten that screw in your head that has worked itself loose. I promise you, that if you had been in that line and was the last person that would have gotten a ticket, only to get bent over and screwed out of it by that dyke, you would be just as pissed off as everyone else.
every year, on black fri the day after thanks giving i look for good deals. and when i find something i want, i show up early to get my place in line. this year i showed up at 2am at CC and stood out in the cold for 4 hours before the store opened. when the nintendo gamecube came out, i showed up at toy-r-us the day before at 9pm and stood inline until 6am or 8am until the store opened and might i add it was extremely cold out there. ive done it for concert tickets aswell. so i dont have an issue about standing inline. if i want something im going to do what i have to to get it, its that simple. if i have to STAND INLINE for 3 days i will, if they couldnt do it then they can screw them selves and the list. shit i would even be the one out there making sure that the line stayed intact for the 3 days.

if there is a will then there is a way
Can you try to shut your mother****** mouth? You're just ignorant, and don't understand unwritten rules like these... Ask yourself why everyone else is against you! We stand in line for concert tickets and such we also, but this was an agreement, and whether it's written or not, as long as everyone knew about it, it is to be held.. She knew about it, and didn't write herself up on the list, and didn't wait there three days like the others, so she doesn't deserve the tickets she got!
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