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Old 12-15-2004, 02:11 PM   #233
red bullet
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OMG, why does there have to be fighting between tifosi and the rest in F1 and now also in other stuff? :shock:

The F1 was, when it was created, a beast. Nothing came close. Murray had a dream of making the perfect supercar: great downforce, great suspension, great engine, and combining that with the ability of being roomy for tranporting goods and/or people. This last is maybe brilliant, but I find it excessory. A supercar doesn't need that. It's the total opposite of a supercar. Nevertheless, Murray succeeded and made a car, with all the technology Mclaren then had, and since there were the best in F1 then, it was a freakin fast car. It was a glory for Mclaren and a shame for all the other supercar constructors, even Ferrari. It was the beginning of a period when more and more F1technology was used in road cars. Other companies did it too at the moment, but to a far lesser extent than Mclaren. That explains the succes in normal tests. Murray was an F1guy, and had that knowledge. (in other companies, like Ferrari, road cars and F1 were very much seperated) And once they made a raceversion of it, it blew everybody away on the track too. Although I'm a Ferrari fan, that is why I love the F1, it' so damn fast and very good looking too.

The competitors struggled for years to make something like a Mclaren F1. And since they weren't used to using F1tech in roadcars that much, it took them years.
And now, they finally reached a stage where they can beat the F1 in some aspects. Nor Ferrari nor Porsche never intend tot have much luggage room in such cars (why should it), but they could do it. Getting the performance of an F1 into the Enzo or CGT is something else. Problem is that somehow their approach is wrong. If they did it the Mclaren-way (putting a F1designer that wanted to make a dreamcar, onto it), the cars would be even better. Would they beat the F1? Probably not. Murray is still one of the best F1designers in history, although he wasn't a very pleasant man.

Hails to all three of the cars, since they are damn nice and fast supercars, no matter who's fastest. I don't like only because they're fast, they must also have some aura around it, it must have some 'history' and off course beauty. They should be special cars, not average joe cars.
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